
US Covid-19 Data

Javascript, React.js

US Covid-19 Data

This project is a Covid-19 Tracker for states within the US. It uses the Covid Act Now API. I utilized the Axios library to fetch data from the API. React Router was used to navigate through different pages in the app. Also, I used the Chart js and the Material-UI library to visualize the Covid-19 data.

More about the Project

The sidebar on the left allows the user to navigate through different pages. In the first page "Single State", the user can choose a state they want to see the Covid-19 data for. It displays the number of active covid cases, deaths, vaccination rates, and many others. Data that needs comparison such as the vaccination rate are dislpayed in charts. Similary, the second page "Compare States" allows the user to compare Covid-19 data of two states. "US Aggregate" shows the aggregate Covid-19 data in the US.


Copyright 2021 Jongjin Jung